Friday 11 December 2015

Advert 1

During our filming sessions, we took several photographs of the protagonist which were possibilities for our digipak and advert designs. The image above is one of the images showing the female actress with a bloody nose, as a result of drug-use. We included the 'The 1975's logo which is used across all their products and creations and is brand identity for them as a band. We also included the name of the song underneath, stating "Milk" in the same colour. After researching similar adverts for bands and artists we discovered that is is conventional for them to feature a review from a trusted company such as a newspaper or music magazine. As The Guardian is a well known brand I included their 'rating' of 5 stars which gives the advert and product a sense of professionalism. This is a very rough cut at the moment, and we plan on changing it to a standard we prefer; we will most likely change the image as it isn't as representative of us as a brand as we'd like. However, the logo and reviews will remain over the image we select. 

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