Wednesday 9 December 2015

Rough Cut 3

During todays workshop after college hours, we continued to edit and finalise our music video for 'Milk'. This involved removing and adding clips which we thought fitted well with the pace of the song and the actual storyline/concept we tried to capture. Since a few shots are still needed to be filmed, we instead focused our attention on some of the ending which finalises the concept; this is the female protagonist, Oceana, being filmed as she stages her own 'demise'. She collapses in the bathtub, and drops the necklace which is symbolic for the love she once had with her ex-boyfriend, who texts her during the video. 

We have yet to film the scene involving Katy's nana who will act as the grown up version of the female character and acts as a plot twist when it is revealed to the audience that she isn't actually dead. We will do this very soon so we can finalise the plot to a point where the audience understands what has actually happened. Since we filmed at the weekend, we also included these shots throughout the video this includes the protagonist smoking, scenic shots, more lip syncing and close ups and also an insight to the characters demise as she has a nose bleed into a sink. 

These are all important to the storyline as we wanted a variety of shots which didn't just feature her using drugs as it can be too inappropriate, repetitive and predictable. We will continue to edit the video into the final version and upload rough cuts and updates to our blog.

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