Friday 15 January 2016

Filming Update

Our filming day on Wednesday was successful, as we filmed the scenes we were required to do so during feedback and teacher comments. This included a bath scene, the food colouring filler, scenic shots and the protagonist acting out her demise through the use of messy/smudging makeup. We also filmed the ending where the protagonists 'older version' finalises the plot, and acts like a plot twist when the audience believes she is dead. Katy's Nana volunteered for this scene and we filmed it at her house. We will continue to add these scenes onto our video as we are still editing it.

After purchasing the materials (a clear vase, and red, blue, pink food colouring which came to 4.20) we set up the shot and tested it out. The food colouring scenes worked particularly well, as it had a much better effect than the chalk or paints did. We videoed several attempts and will pick the best one and speed it up during the protagonists drug-use scenes, this shows her state of mind without being overly obvious and leaves interpretation and ambiguousness to the storyline, which keeps the audience engaged throughout watching it.

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