Wednesday 13 January 2016

Food Colouring Experiment

After failing with a previous experiment involving paints, chalks, and ink we attempted at college, we decided to take it home in order to have full control over the results with unlimited materials. 

We plan on purchasing food colouring of different colours from Asda for 90p (this will be covered in our set budget) and testing out how it falls into a glass/bowl full of water. Since we are in a home environment we will have access to certain things which could give it a better effect, e.g a hairdryer in order to blow on the colouring to make it look better.

After researching how it would look via sources such as YouTube, we believed this would look good for a filler which help represented the protagonists state of mind. We bought the colours red, blue and pink. We chose these colours because red and blue are scientific colours and represent veins and blood and the pink represents femininity.

We plan to test this out on our film day, on Wednesday as well as filming other scenes which are required to finish the plot and storyline.

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