Tuesday 12 January 2016

Liquid/Paint/Ink Music Video Experiment

Over the past few weeks we have used many different materials including paint, ink an energy lozenger fizzer and coloured liquid dropping into water to provide us clips for our music video. We struggled with some of the filming as it was hard to get a good, crisp, focused shot so we had to change the cameras lens to a much wider one and we had to use different sources of lighting to achieve a clear well lighted shot with no glare from the glass. We aim for these to provide us with the protagonists 'state of mind' and work effectively for the audience.

Props and Behind the Scenes

Some materials

White wall with glass

Studio Lighting 

Achieved Shots from this session: 

"https://www.youtube.com/embed/4E5XyAlKhCo" width="480"></iframe>

Review - We defiantly achieved useable shots but we would like to film these again to achieve the desired crisp shot. We are planning on buying food colouring and more ink as we found these worked best. We will also change the water container to something wider/longer. 

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