Thursday 5 May 2016

Message to Moderator

Dear Moderator,
My chosen brief was to create a music promo package which includes a music video, digipak and advert. I created products for the band 'The 1975' and a music video for their single 'milk'; the genre of this artist is indie rock. I worked alongside Rebecca Hay to complete my coursework. I enjoyed creating an eclectic concept for my music video and having this come from paper to screen.I hope that you enjoy my work.

My blog is best viewed using the browser 'Google Chrome'.
Yours faithfully, Katy Marwood.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Question One - Youtube

This video discusses the music video against real media products alongside theory from Andrew Goodwin.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Digipak Update

I have added the copyright and record label information to the digipak and also improved the track list.

Monday 29 February 2016

Advert edit

We thought that making parts of our advert slightly blurry would reflect our music video in a subtle way. We decided a tilt shift would be the best effect for this we used this tutorial (

Original Image - 

Image with tilt shift

Monday 8 February 2016

Digipak/Advert Experiment

After learning and experimenting with a new technique on Friday we have replaced the original black rectangle with a faded ocpacity rectangle and the bands font using photoshop.

Rough Cut 6

This is the seventh rough cut for our music video, we have added more clips which we filmed and also effects to give illusion.

Sunday 7 February 2016

Digipak Experiment

After deciding that our advert and digipak required more creativity to link the music videos concept of drug-use ultimately leading to a broken mind, we wanted to be more inventive by including effects such as the image shown. We then went onto opening Photoshop and importing a random image we took, which is of the sea crashing upon the rocks in order to try out different effects and seeing how it looked. We wrote 'The 1975' throughout the middle of the image which had a white square around it; we then changed the opacity of it so that you could see the sea image underneath whilst still maintaining the white square - the block/square is conventional for the band and so we wanted to adopt this onto our own. We then erased the inner part of the letters so that the outline was the only thing remaining, this gave the font more creativity as you can see the image through the text as opposed to being a simple block text font. We plan on adopting this kind of effect to our real digipak and advert.

Friday 5 February 2016


After deciding our advert looked too plain we wanted to make it more creative and experimental so we started to look at photoshop effects to use.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Filming Update

Yesterday was our final filming day and we gathered extra shots for when we finalise our music video across the upcoming days. The shots we focused on were more shots of the beach and the sky.

Monday 18 January 2016

Filming and Digipak/Advert Update

At the weekend, we booked out a DSLR camera to continue gathering images for our advert and digipak. We took images around the Newcastle city centre and although the images work well we have decided to change the concept for the advert and digipak.

Our original concept was an image of trees against a dark sky as we had this as a beginning feature of our music video. However, we have decided to change this to an image of the sea. This is because the sea is prevalent throughout The 1975's music videos and their imagery. Therefore we will shoot images of the sea for our digipak and advert and film clips of the sea to replace the shots of the trees in our music video.

Friday 15 January 2016

Filming Update

Our filming day on Wednesday was successful, as we filmed the scenes we were required to do so during feedback and teacher comments. This included a bath scene, the food colouring filler, scenic shots and the protagonist acting out her demise through the use of messy/smudging makeup. We also filmed the ending where the protagonists 'older version' finalises the plot, and acts like a plot twist when the audience believes she is dead. Katy's Nana volunteered for this scene and we filmed it at her house. We will continue to add these scenes onto our video as we are still editing it.

After purchasing the materials (a clear vase, and red, blue, pink food colouring which came to 4.20) we set up the shot and tested it out. The food colouring scenes worked particularly well, as it had a much better effect than the chalk or paints did. We videoed several attempts and will pick the best one and speed it up during the protagonists drug-use scenes, this shows her state of mind without being overly obvious and leaves interpretation and ambiguousness to the storyline, which keeps the audience engaged throughout watching it.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Food Colouring Experiment

After failing with a previous experiment involving paints, chalks, and ink we attempted at college, we decided to take it home in order to have full control over the results with unlimited materials. 

We plan on purchasing food colouring of different colours from Asda for 90p (this will be covered in our set budget) and testing out how it falls into a glass/bowl full of water. Since we are in a home environment we will have access to certain things which could give it a better effect, e.g a hairdryer in order to blow on the colouring to make it look better.

After researching how it would look via sources such as YouTube, we believed this would look good for a filler which help represented the protagonists state of mind. We bought the colours red, blue and pink. We chose these colours because red and blue are scientific colours and represent veins and blood and the pink represents femininity.

We plan to test this out on our film day, on Wednesday as well as filming other scenes which are required to finish the plot and storyline.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Liquid/Paint/Ink Music Video Experiment

Over the past few weeks we have used many different materials including paint, ink an energy lozenger fizzer and coloured liquid dropping into water to provide us clips for our music video. We struggled with some of the filming as it was hard to get a good, crisp, focused shot so we had to change the cameras lens to a much wider one and we had to use different sources of lighting to achieve a clear well lighted shot with no glare from the glass. We aim for these to provide us with the protagonists 'state of mind' and work effectively for the audience.

Props and Behind the Scenes

Some materials

White wall with glass

Studio Lighting 

Achieved Shots from this session: 

"" width="480"></iframe>

Review - We defiantly achieved useable shots but we would like to film these again to achieve the desired crisp shot. We are planning on buying food colouring and more ink as we found these worked best. We will also change the water container to something wider/longer. 

Music Video Feedback (3)

''Any different shots? Maybe good to have a variety of shots not just CU, and MS, really good focus, and lighting is done really well.''

Last week, we received feedback from a previous Media Student who has gone onto study the subject at University, he looked at our video and both of our blogs and gave us feedback which we plan on taking on board during our filming session tomorrow. We appreciate the opinions as this will ensure our video is at its best standard and is something our audience will enjoy. 

Filming Update

We plan to film our final scenes tomorrow, having booked out a camera and tripod. This will include the protagonist in the bath, staging her demise, some scenic shots, potential ideas to add to our digipak and advert and also somethings we received as feedback to improve upon by my teachers and peers. This included a closer insight into the characters emotional trauma, being shown by the smudging of makeup. We also have yet to film the closing scene which establishes that the character isn't actually dead which is how we leave it until the elderly woman is introduced as the older version. We hope to see these completed tomorrow in time for tweak week in which case we can finalise our video into the final product, as well as finished auxiliary texts.  

Here is a previous post made detailing what we need to improve upon in our next filming - Filming plan. We plan to take all these ideas into consideration.