Thursday 22 October 2015

Music Video Budget

As we are creating a music video to a professional industry standard it will have to have a budget like all other media products. We fortunately have a range of equipment provided to us by the college so our budget will not be used on items like tripods and SD cards. Therefore, we have decided that the maximum amount of money we will spend on the production and mise en scene of our video will be £50.

As our music video will use a song from the indie rock genre we are following genre conventions as these music videos generally do not have big budgets unlike videos from the pop genre which use songs from multi millionaire artists.

Our budget will cover costs for the actors, travel and props. We will not need to pay for locations as our locations are a family home and public spaces.

The Young Female - We will provide the actor portraying the young female with clothes to wear on the day(s) of filming. This will be dark clothing that will either be bought (when we know the actresses clothing size) from a shop or provided by myself or Rebecca from our own wardrobes.
The Drug Dealer - The drug dealer will also be provided with clothing to wear on the day(s) of filming. This will also be dark, hooded, clothing that will either be bought or be provided by myself or Rebecca from own wardrobes.
The Elderly Woman - Since we are hoping to cast an actual elderly woman for this role we are hoping she will wear stereotypical for the elderly such as neutral coloured clothing and we will ask the actress herself if she can fulfil this. However, if this is not the case we will provide some on the day for the actress.
Travel Expenses - Once we have the maximum budget for the costumes divided into the three characters, we will start to budget for transport to/from location for ourselves and each of the three cast members. All locations are easily accessible as buses run to and from these locations. Therefore, travel will not takeaway a large amount of our £50 budget.

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